The use of varied textures and shapes, and well as materials, provide visual interest. Using a limited color palette helps to prevent your landscape project from becoming too busy. Here, gray, green, and purple work together for a cool and calm space.
The creamy gray planter blends easily the with pavers below and the stacked stone wall. Purple petunias gracefully fall over the sides of the urn, softening the feel of this quiet corner.
Showing a view below the driveway, this photo details the retaining wall and and bridge that carry the driveway over a drainage area. The use of stone and planting beds turn the functional (and possibly unsightly) areas into valuable elements of the landscape design.
Matching urns provide formal, yet inviting, access to the garden at the side of the house. The boulder path curves to the right, inviting casual exploration of the garden. The repitition of plant material used elsewhere in the project unites the design.
A low-height stone retaining wall divides a sunny perennial garden from a footpath. The garden includes purple cone flower, shasta daisy, laural, and coreopsis.
This shade garden overlaps a walkway of stone steppers. Plants include liriope, blue hostas, and hydrangeas.
Located a comfortable distance away from the house, this woodland garden gives the perfect place for relaxation, conversation, and tranquility. A stone patio and boulder paths invite both wandering through the garden and sitting to enjoy the view. Plants include Nancy Azaleas which bloom in beautiful shades of pink.
A raised, terraced planting bed provides a dramatic way to separate sections of a yard. The lawn at the top is a play area, while the lower lawn is adjacent to the patio and entertaining area.
Running almost the full width of the backyard, this retaining wall creates a dramatic effect. It contains a large plant bed filled with shocking pink roses, yellow corepsis, astilbes, miniature boxwoods, as well as grasses and other perennials. A series of wide stone steps run through the middle of wall, while casual boulder steps wrap around each end. The upper lawn was graded to provide a level play area.
These oakleaf hydrangeas are planted down the side of the driveway Their impressive foliage and color demonstrate that a driveway can become as asset to your landscape if handled properly. At the street end of the driveway, a row of cherry trees are the first to bloom in the early spring.
This extensive plant bed is contained by a stone retaining wall. It is planted to provide year-round color with roses, perennials, boxwoods, and speciality grasses. In late October, the roses are still heavily blooming as the other plants show their fall colors.
Hydrangeas are a reliable plant that always put on a great show of color. Many varieties have blooms that change color as they age and some have good fall color. They tolerate a wide range of conditions and grow quickly.
Located just off to the side of the slate patio, the spa house is surrounded by beds containing liriope, hydrangea, and wysteria. The plants allow the spa to blend into the landscape and also provide privacy. The amenities include a large spa, dual flatscreen televisions, and custom heating and cooling.
A circular planting bed with an urn and surrounded by a pea gravel walkway becomes a focal point in a suburban landscape. Plants include liriope and begonias.
At the base of a stone wall, a bed of shrubs adds color and softens the hardness of the stone. A mixture of evergreen and deciduous plants provides an interesting mix of texture and color.